Rajeswari Sengupta


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Rajeswari Sengupta is currently an Associate Professor of Economics at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) in Mumbai, India. Her main areas of interest include international finance, monetary economics, banking and financial markets, firm financing and national accounts measurement. In the past she has held a faculty position at the IFMR Business School in Chennai, and short-term research positions at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in Washington DC, as well as the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. She was a visitor at the City University of HongKong in 2013 and at the Osnabruck University in Germany in 2024. She was also a recipient of the ICRIER Young Scholar Grant in 2013 for attending the NBER Summer Institute in Boston. She was a member of the research secretariat for the Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee that proposed India's Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. She is currently a member of the FICCI Economists’ Forum and the Society for Economics Research in India (SERI). She is also an Editor in Chief at the Journal of South Asian Development.

She has published her research papers in several international journals including The Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Economic Policy, The Journal of International Money and Finance, The World Economy, Emerging Markets Review, International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Asian Economics, Pacific Economic Review, and Open Economies Review. She also writes regularly on Indian economic issues in leading English as well as Bengali newspapers. Rajeswari completed her PhD and Masters in Economics from the University of California, Santa Cruz. 

Spoken at

EMC 2021
EMC 2022


13th Dec '22

His pain is your gain: Inter-firm linkages and exchange rate exposure

Speaker :
Discussant(s) :
15th Dec '21

Pricing anomalies in the Indian corporate bond market

Discussant(s) :

Emerging Markets Conference