Daniel Rothschild

Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute

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Daniel M. Rothschild is the director of the Center for Civics, Education, and Opportunity at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute. This summer, he stepped down after ten years as executive director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Previously, he held positions at the American Enterprise Institute and the R Street Institute. He serves on the boards of Prosperiti (India), Antigua Forum (Guatemala), and the Paragon Health Institute (US). His work has appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Economic Affairs, the Chicago Policy Review, and Reason. He holds degrees from Grinnell College, the University of Manchester, and the University of Michigan.

Spoken at

EMC 2024


11th Dec '24

The future of trade, investment and globalisation; the future of the India-US relationship; Known knowns, known unknowns and the unknown unknowns

Chairperson :

Emerging Markets Conference