Ajay Shah

XKDR Forum

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Ajay Shah studied at IIT, Bombay and USC, Los Angeles. He has held positions at Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research (IGIDR), Department of Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Finance and National Institute for Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP). His research is at the intersection of economics, law and public administration. His second book, co-authored with Vijay Kelkar, "In service of the republic: The art and science of economic policy", featured in Bloomberg's global "2020 Best Books on Business and Leadership". He is the founder and chief editor of The Leap Blog.

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EMC 2023
EMC 2022
EMC 2021


12th Dec '23

The market and the state in the power sector

Discussant(s) :
14th Dec '23

Unblocking the green transformation in developing countries with a partial foreign exchange guarantee

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Chairperson :
15th Dec '23

Rethinking innovation policy in India: Amplifying spillovers through contracting-out

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Discussant(s) :
12th Dec '22

Geopolitical implications for EM economics: Framing the issues

13th Dec '22

Shortening the equities settlement cycle

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Discussant(s) :
13th Dec '21

But clouds got in my way: Bias and bias correction of VIIRS nighttime lights data in the presence of clouds

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15th Dec '21

Emerging Markets Conference