Naushad Forbes

Forbes Marshall

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Naushad Forbes is Co-Chairman of Forbes Marshall, India's leading process and energy efficiency company. He is Chairman, Ananta Aspen Centre, and Centre for Technology, Innovation and Economic Research. He was an occasional teacher at Stanford University from 1987 to 2004. He received his Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD Degrees from Stanford. He is on the board of several educational institutions and public companies. He has long been an active member of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and was President of CII for 2016 – 17. He is a founding member of Nayanta University, a full-service university opening in 2025, spearheaded by CII. His book, The Struggle and the Promise: Restoring India’s Potential, was published by HarperCollins in 2022.

Spoken at

EMC 2024


13th Dec '24

In conversation: Productivity and competitiveness of firms in India

Emerging Markets Conference