Rudra Chaudhuri

Carnegie India

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Dr. Rudra Chaudhuri has served as the Director of Carnegie India since 2013, where he oversees the center's three interrelated programs: technology and society, political economy, and security studies. As the Director, Chaudhuri leads Carnegie's efforts to engage with governments, policymakers, academics, students, industries, practitioners, and civil society members to provide research and commentary on key foreign policy and tech sector issues facing India. His primary research focuses on the diplomatic history of South Asia and contemporary security issues and is currently leading a major research project analyzing violent incidents and infrastructural development across India's borders. He is the author of Forged in Crisis: India and the United States. Since 1947, and his research has been published in scholarly journals as well as academic and policy focused platforms. Chaudhuri is also a senior lecturer at the Department of War Studies and the India Institute at King's College London. In addition, he is the founding director of the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office's (FCDO) Diplomatic Academy for South Asia, and is also a visiting professor of international relations at Ashoka University, New Delhi.

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EMC 2022


12th Dec '22

Geopolitical implications for EM economics: Framing the issues

Emerging Markets Conference